Friday, February 24, 2012


Poker is just as addicting as every says it is. I bought a Texas hold em app on my phone and I literally can't stop playing. It probably wouldn't be a good idea for me to go to Vegas.


I have been a vegetarian for 3 and a half years. The other day I discovered how much I miss hamburgers. Well now those 3 years of vegetarianism are over. I am addicted to hamburgers now.


Today I decided it was time for me to stop relying on subway and learn how to make my own sandwich. I made my first sandwich today. It was a huge accomplishment. And very scrumptious.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I love Canadians. My friend is Canadian and I love the way she talks. Her texts are so obnoxious I wonder if all Canadians text like that. Example: OMGOMGOMGOMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OKAYYYYYY!!!!!!! It's so obnoxious, I laugh every time I get a text.

Bad habit

I have a bad habit of loaning money to friends. You'd think because I've had so many people that have never payed me back that I would learn a lesson from it but if a friend needs something I usually do whatever I can to help. Recently my best friends boyfriend asked me to get a necklace for him to give to my friend for valentines day. I absolutely trust him to pay me back but what always happens is they put it off for so long and eventually forget, hoping that I will forget too. And usually I do and when I finally remember it's been so long that I feel bad bringing it up.

AT&T sucks

I have been having so many problems with my cell service. AT&T sucks so bad in Chicago and when I call them for help all they do is tell me to restart my phone. Like I haven't tried that already.. They are absolutely no help so I'm pretty much just stuck with not being able to send or receive texts. Awesome.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Having a car in Chicago has made me the laziest person ever. The purpose of bringing my car up here was because I can't tolerate super cold weather, and so far it hasn't been that cold at all. So now that I can't blame it on the cold weather, I just look like a lazy bum. I literally drive EVERYWHERE. I haven't used my U-Pass once this semester.


Foodlife at the Water Tower Place is by far the best food court at a mall I have ever seen. There is just so much to choose from. You could go there every day for a month and get something different every day. I used to eat there every day before work but today was the first time I've been in a while. For some reason I had a sweet tooth and I went straight to the "Desserts" stand. Their dessert of the day was  banana nutella crepes. Nutella is my weakness, and I LOVE bananas.. Awesome just consumed like 2,000 calories.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Super bowl

So I watched the entire Super Bowl football game and there are a few things that I learned. No one should ever give Madonna Pom poms. Madonna can't do the shuffle and should never attempt to do it again.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Well I had a great night tonight.
Until it got ruined with me having to write.
So I'm gonna keep this really short.
I'm really tired.
I think I'm gonna go to sleep now.

BAM. Five sentences.