Tuesday, April 3, 2012

$23 hamburger

On my fabulous vacation to LA, my friend and I decided to try to live the lavish life for a few hours. We went to dinner at Boa Steakhouse, the number one A-list restaurant just outside of Beverly Hills. We were driving the car my moms friends let us borrow, or rather a beast. It was a huge Dodge pick up truck that was a huge hassle to drive in LA traffic. We arrived at valet and left our vehicle that did not fit in with all the Beemers and Bentleys. Sitting at the table, we realized we completely stood out, and didn't fit in at all. Halfway through the meal my friend decided she was going to start acting like herself, which is obnoxious and immature, so that was pretty embarrassing. After the delicious 23 dollar hamburger, I ordered a 10 dollar tea to go. After we left and were on the road for 10 minutes, I realized I left the tea on the table. I cried.

Los Angeles

So I wasn't able to blog over spring break because I had no access to internet. I went to LA with my friend and we stayed with some friends of my moms and they're the wealthiest people I know but they don't spend their money on materialistic things. They don't have any laptops or wifi, their cars are from the 90's but yet they live in a 10 million dollar house. Doesn't make sense to me.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Voice

A few weeks ago I got a great opportunity to work the auditions for The Voice. I got to be a Production Assistant in one of the audition rooms and heard over 400 people sing throughout my long 16 hour day. I told my casting producer that I would be out in LA for spring break and it just happens that the LA auditions are during my trip. I had a great experience at the chicago auditions and hopefully will do a lot of networking in LA.


It's really unfortunate that I can't write. However, I am fortunate that my two best friends are TV writing majors. They sit with me when I have to write a paper and walk through everything with me. It's really great that they'll do that for me but it's really sad that I have to depend on them for everything that I write. I am beginning to learn how to structure an essay now. I learned about this thing called a thesis. Funny how I never knew about it before.


Me and my friend did some apartment hunting this weekend. There are some SKETCHY neighborhoods in Chicago. There was one point where we wouldn't even get out of the car to look at the apartment! It's really frustrating because we have such high standards but such a low budget. Can't have it all...


I discovered melatonin a few weeks ago. It makes me fall asleep so fast. I'm at the point where I can't fall asleep without taking it. I'm addicted. There are many absurd things that aren't really addictive that people are addicted to:

disney channel
video games
facial hair
puppy ears
long, satisfying shits
the One Ring

Friday, February 24, 2012


Poker is just as addicting as every says it is. I bought a Texas hold em app on my phone and I literally can't stop playing. It probably wouldn't be a good idea for me to go to Vegas.


I have been a vegetarian for 3 and a half years. The other day I discovered how much I miss hamburgers. Well now those 3 years of vegetarianism are over. I am addicted to hamburgers now.


Today I decided it was time for me to stop relying on subway and learn how to make my own sandwich. I made my first sandwich today. It was a huge accomplishment. And very scrumptious.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I love Canadians. My friend is Canadian and I love the way she talks. Her texts are so obnoxious I wonder if all Canadians text like that. Example: OMGOMGOMGOMG HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OKAYYYYYY!!!!!!! It's so obnoxious, I laugh every time I get a text.

Bad habit

I have a bad habit of loaning money to friends. You'd think because I've had so many people that have never payed me back that I would learn a lesson from it but if a friend needs something I usually do whatever I can to help. Recently my best friends boyfriend asked me to get a necklace for him to give to my friend for valentines day. I absolutely trust him to pay me back but what always happens is they put it off for so long and eventually forget, hoping that I will forget too. And usually I do and when I finally remember it's been so long that I feel bad bringing it up.

AT&T sucks

I have been having so many problems with my cell service. AT&T sucks so bad in Chicago and when I call them for help all they do is tell me to restart my phone. Like I haven't tried that already.. They are absolutely no help so I'm pretty much just stuck with not being able to send or receive texts. Awesome.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Having a car in Chicago has made me the laziest person ever. The purpose of bringing my car up here was because I can't tolerate super cold weather, and so far it hasn't been that cold at all. So now that I can't blame it on the cold weather, I just look like a lazy bum. I literally drive EVERYWHERE. I haven't used my U-Pass once this semester.


Foodlife at the Water Tower Place is by far the best food court at a mall I have ever seen. There is just so much to choose from. You could go there every day for a month and get something different every day. I used to eat there every day before work but today was the first time I've been in a while. For some reason I had a sweet tooth and I went straight to the "Desserts" stand. Their dessert of the day was  banana nutella crepes. Nutella is my weakness, and I LOVE bananas.. Awesome just consumed like 2,000 calories.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Super bowl

So I watched the entire Super Bowl football game and there are a few things that I learned. No one should ever give Madonna Pom poms. Madonna can't do the shuffle and should never attempt to do it again.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Well I had a great night tonight.
Until it got ruined with me having to write.
So I'm gonna keep this really short.
I'm really tired.
I think I'm gonna go to sleep now.

BAM. Five sentences. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just stop at 3D

Just saw a trailer for a "Step Up 4" movie. Really? The third one was 3D don't they usually stop making sequels after that? It's starting to turn into the "Bring It On"franchise. Not gonna lie, I love me some Step Up, but 4 movies based on the same thing? Gets a little old..

X Factor Dramz

So I read on Perez Hilton today that theres even more X Factor drama. Did anyone even watch the first season? I guess that's their reason for practically getting a whole new set of judges, additional to a new host. I feel like there's no coming back for them. No one has any interest in watching a show that bombed.